Bach Bibliography
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Author : Owens, Samantha
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Collins, Denis; Murphy, Kerry; Owens, SamanthaFirst performances of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and Mass in B minor in Australian states and territories. AustralianMResearch 17 2018 218-221
2. Collins, Denis; Murphy, Kerry; Owens, Samantha (eds.)J.S. Bach in Australia: Studies in Reception and Performance. AustralianMResearch 17 2018 xiii, 266p
3. Owens, Samantha'A gothic cathedral in music': The performance and reception of Bach's Mass in B minor in 1920s Australia. AustralianMResearch 17 2018 101-116
4. Owens, SamanthaMusic via Correspondence: A List of the Collection of Kreuzkirche Organist Emanuel Benisch. [p]BNUK_Cambridge Jul 2015
5. Owens, SamanthaMusic via Correspondence: A List of the Music Collection of Dresden Kreuzorganist Emanuel Benisch. UnderstandingBach 11 2016 39-56
6. Owens, Samantha'The Greatest Choral Work that has ever been written': Wellington Performances of J. S. Bach's St Matthew Passion, 1899-1941 UnderstandingBach 9 2014 75-86
7. Owens, SamanthaThe provenance of the J. F. Fasch concertos in Crown Prince Friedrich Ludwig of Württenberg's music collection: contextual remarks on the 'Sammlung Ziegesar'. FaschSt 9 2003 77-90
8. Owens, Samantha; Reul, Barbara M.'Das gantze Corpus derer musicirenden Personen': An Introduction to German Hofkappellen. [ce]MusicGermanCourts 2011 1-14
9. Owens, Samantha; Reul, Barbara M.; Stockigt, Janice B. (eds.)Music at German courts, 1715-1760: Changing artistic priorities. [ce]MusicGermanCourts 2011 xx, 484p
10. Stockigt, Janice B.; Owens, Samantha; Szuster, Jula; Maddox, Alan'Bach the Sublime': Australasian Reception of the St. Matthew Passion, 1875-1950. [p]BNUK_Warsaw Jul 2013

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita